Happy Wedding Wednesday!

With less than twenty-four hours to go before spring officially arrives, it won’t be long before kids will be beating a path to the local ice cream parlor.  However, ice cream is not just for kids anymore—come to think of it, it never was!



For a spring or summer wedding, ice cream serves as a great alternative to a traditional wedding cake.  It evokes a fun, young-at-heart feeling, and can be decorated to rival any multi-tiered confection.   Although it may not be in step with a more sophisticated, evening ceremony, an ice cream wedding cake can make for an amusing secondary dessert for all to enjoy.  Additionally, many chefs have become adventurous in developing unique ice cream flavors in recent years.   Therefore, couples do not have to settle for the tri-fold treat of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry only.

So, if you’re heading down the aisle this wedding season, consider bucking against tradition.  You may find your guests chanting, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!”


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